DJH Solutions Joins TechNosis to Expand Reach and Services




TechNosis, Inc., a provider of managed information technology services based in Appleton, has broadened their enterprise-level techniques, solutions, and documentation by assimilating the assets of DJH Solutions of Sheboygan.

Darrick Hartman, owner of DJH Solutions since 2004, says the time was right for both businesses to join forces.

“DJH Solutions will provide expanded services and a larger operating territory to TechNosis,” according to Hartman, who becomes the firm’s Chief Technology Officer. “Current DJH Solutions customers will enjoy expanded service offerings while TechNosis gains business phone system capabilities that will attract a wider range of customers.”

TechNosis co-owner Bob Pankratz met Hartman at a conference in 2005 and a mutual respect was quickly formed. Since they did not compete in the same territories, they began to collaborate on services and even considered a partnership in 2008. Pankratz, now assumes the role of CEO of TechNosis. Co-owner George Vroom, serves as Vice-President of Project Management.

Looking to expand both their geographical footprint and technical services, Pankratz again approached Hartman in 2015 about the possibility of joining together, expanding their reach and offering a wider variety of service to customers of both businesses. Talks progressed over the next 18 months and an agreement for DJH Solutions to join TechNosis was finalized on May 22. TechNosis is now able to offer services throughout the eastern shore of Lake Michigan from Algoma to Milwaukee.

“Our desire at TechNosis is to Make IT Matter by assuming and owning those responsibilities for our clients,” says Pankratz. “The addition of Darrick and his team, not only adds depth to our technical expertise but increases our flexibility to align and scale additional services to larger businesses in a wider area of the state.”

TechNosis now has 11 employees. Hartman contributes more than 20 years of Engineering and IT experience to the 25 years of IT experience of Pankratz, who started his career at in ADCi in Appleton. Vroom, who also serves in project management and sales capacities, earned a Masters’ Degree in Network Security.

“This is a key piece of our growth plans at TechNosis,” says Vroom. “We’re excited to add Darrick and his company’s customer base to ours and create synergy to better serve current customers while appealing to a wider demographic.”